Military Donations with Troopster Donation Corp
Troopster Donation Corp is a registered 501©(3) non-profit corporation that allows individuals to make tax-deductible monetary donations to a noble cause. Specifically, 100 percent of every dollar you donate to our organization is used to send care packages to deployed troops. Donate to our cause with the “Donate Now” button.
To get started or learn more about planned giving or IRA donations, contact Marc Cimmino at 757.624.2563 or email
Bunched Giving | Donor Advised Funds
Standard deductions have nearly doubled after the tax cuts of 2017 and the amount of itemized deductions that can be taken have been reduced or eliminated entirely. To retain a tax benefit for giving, many donors are bunching several years’ worth of gifts into one tax year. DAFs and Private Family Foundations allow donors to do this, while maintaining control until all funds have been disbursed. These strategies can help donors not only get a tax deduction up front, avoid paying capital gains taxes on appreciated assets, and get tax free growth in the investments set aside for charity. If you’re interested in learning more about Bunched Giving, talk with you financial adviser or we would be happy to help you!

IRA Donation
You can make a difference for Troopster by offering donations from an IRA account. This method is the only way to avoid income taxes on withdrawals and can be made after the age of 70.5 years or by a beneficiary. IRA accounts are a unique and easy way to support the Troopster mission.
To get started talk with you financial advisor or call Marc Cimmino at 757.624.2563 or email

Planned Giving | Charitable Gift Annuity
A charitable gift annuity is a planned giving option to support Troopster. We will create a contract, whereby a donor transfers cash or property to our charity and in exchange we will offer a partial tax deduction and a lifetime stream of annual income.
This method of giving is a lifetime relationship that truly is a gift that continues to give!
To get started or learn more, contact Marc Cimmino at 757.624.2563 or email

Amazon Smile
This is a great way to get all the benefits of and help Troopster. When you shop on AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. Since launching in 2013, millions of customers have signed up for AmazonSmile—supporting tens of thousands of charitable organizations. Through AmazonSmile, Amazon has donated tens of millions of dollars to customers’ favorite charities, with hundreds of thousands of organizations receiving donations.
Donate Old Gift Cards
Have you ever received a gift card? And after shopping, ended up with a left-over balance? Rather than throwing it away, you decide to hold onto it because an unused balance means throwing away money, right? Even if it’s only a few cents.
This happens a lot, only most find that NOW they have a collection of unused gift cards. Rather than trying to spend what’s left, you could instead donate the left-over balances to charity and in-turn help impact our organization!

Blended Giving
When a donor’s goals are split between providing for their family and making a donation, blended giving can be an attractive option to consider. Charitable Remainder Trusts, Charitable Gift Annuities and Pooled Income Vehicles can be used to provide income to your family for a specified period of time or for a lifetime, whatever is left in the accounts at the end of the term goes to charity. Donors get a tax deduction for making the irrevocable decision to give the remainder to charity after the term has ended and investments grow tax free within the vehicle. Another blended giving option is the Charitable Lead Trust. Income from the trust goes to charity, and the remainder goes to the donor’s estate. This strategy allows a donor to get a tax deduction up front, and with careful planning, can avoid estate taxes on the remainder.
Companies That Trust Us
A special thank you to all of our sponsors.
Without you, none of this would be possible.

Troopster is a nonprofit Charity that sends care packages to deployed troops around the world. Founded by a U.S. Navy Veteran, Troopster’s mission is to increase the morale of the Armed Forces Community, one deployment, soldier and care package at a time.