Mail Call Pack
The 'Mother of All Boxes' is the perfect care package for a deployed troop overseas. This box is filled with a variety of snacks, hygiene items, and more that will help brighten the day of your deployed loved one. It includes items such as energy bars, beef jerky, hard candy, toiletries, and a handwritten note of support. This box is sure to put a smile on the face of your deployed soldier and remind them that they are not alone.
1 Whey Protein Chocolate, 16 Servings
1 Battle Bar: Blueberry
1 Candy Skittles Fruit Chew 2.17 Oz
1 Candy Starburst Fruit Chews 2.07 Oz
1 Cannon Balm Tactical Lip Protection
1 Deployment Sucks Shaker Bottle
1 Doritos - Cool Ranch
1 Face Care - Standard Issue Every Damn Day Face Lotion
1 Face Care - Quick Buff Face Scrub
1 Freedom Fuel - Black Rifle Coffee
1 OG Hickory Smoked Beef Jerky (2 oz)
1 Oreo Cookies
1 Peak Refuel Brownie Dough Bite
1 Peak Refuel Chicken Teriyaki
1 PopCorners - White Cheddar
1 Shock & Awe General's Hot Sauce
1 Snack Hot Fries
1 Tate's Chocolate Chip Cookies (3.5 oz)
1 WWII Big Ass Brick of Soap - Victory
1 12x12x6 Troopster Box